_h(fmt, *args)
_c(fmt, *args)
+def _c_wr_stringlist(indent, strlist):
+ '''
+ Writes the given list of strings to the source file.
+ Each line is prepended by the indent string
+ '''
+ for str in strlist:
+ _c("%s%s", indent, str)
+class PreCode(object):
+ '''
+ For pre-code generated by expression generation
+ (for example, the for-loop of a sumof)
+ This has to account for recursiveness of the expression
+ generation, i.e., there may be pre-code for pre-code.
+ Therefore this is implemented as a stack of lists of lines.
+ If redirection is switched on, then all output is collected in
+ self.redirect_code and self.redirect_tempvars instead of
+ being sent to the output via _h und _c.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.nesting_level = 0
+ self.tempvars = []
+ self.codelines = []
+ self.redirect_code = None
+ self.redirect_tempvars = None
+ self.indent_str = ' '
+ self.indent_stack = []
+ self.tempvar_num = 0
+ # start and end of pre-code blocks
+ def start(self):
+ self.nesting_level += 1
+ def end(self):
+ self.nesting_level -= 1
+ if self.nesting_level == 0:
+ # lowest pre-code level is finished -> output to source
+ if self.redirect_tempvars is None:
+ _c_wr_stringlist('', self.tempvars)
+ self.tempvars = []
+ else:
+ self.redirect_tempvars.extend(self.tempvars)
+ self.tempvars = []
+ if self.redirect_code == None:
+ _c_wr_stringlist('', self.codelines)
+ self.codelines = []
+ else:
+ self.redirect_code.extend(self.codelines)
+ self.codelines = []
+ def output_tempvars(self):
+ if self.redirect_code == None:
+ _c_wr_stringlist('', self.tempvars)
+ self.tempvars = []
+ # output to precode
+ def code(self, fmt, *args):
+ self.codelines.append(self.indent_str + fmt % args)
+ def tempvar(self, fmt, *args):
+ self.tempvars.append(' ' + (fmt % args))
+ # get a unique name for a temporary variable
+ def get_tempvarname(self):
+ self.tempvar_num += 1
+ return "xcb_pre_tmp_%d" % self.tempvar_num
+ # indentation
+ def push_indent(self, indentstr):
+ self.indent_stack.append(self.indent_str)
+ self.indent_str = indentstr
+ def push_addindent(self, indent_add_str):
+ self.push_indent(self.indent_str + indent_add_str)
+ def indent(self):
+ self.push_addindent(' ')
+ def pop_indent(self):
+ self.indent_str = self.indent_stack.pop()
+ # redirection to lists
+ def redirect_start(self, redirect_code, redirect_tempvars=None):
+ self.redirect_code = redirect_code
+ self.redirect_tempvars = redirect_tempvars
+ if redirect_tempvars is not None:
+ self.tempvar_num = 0
+ def redirect_end(self):
+ self.redirect_code = None
+ self.redirect_tempvars = None
+# global PreCode handler
+_c_pre = PreCode()
# XXX See if this level thing is really necessary.
def _h_setlevel(idx):
need_padding = False
prev_field_was_variable = False
+ _c_pre.push_indent(space + ' ')
for field in self.fields:
if not field.visible:
if not ((field.wire and not field.auto) or 'unserialize' == context):
if self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
need_padding = False
+ _c_pre.pop_indent()
return count
# _c_serialize_helper_fields()
temp_vars = []
prefix = []
+ _c_pre.redirect_start(code_lines, temp_vars)
if 'serialize' == context:
if not self.is_switch and not self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
_c(' %s *xcb_out = *_buffer;', self.c_type)
_c(' %s _aux;', self.c_type)
_c(' return %s(%s, &_aux);', self.c_unpack_name, reduce(lambda x,y: "%s, %s" % (x, y), param_names))
+ _c_pre.redirect_end()
elif self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
# special case: call _unserialize()
_c(' return %s(%s, NULL);', self.c_unserialize_name, reduce(lambda x,y: "%s, %s" % (x, y), param_names))
+ _c_pre.redirect_end()
_c(' char *xcb_tmp = (char *)_buffer;')
_c(' unsigned int xcb_pad = 0;')
_c(' unsigned int xcb_align_to = 0;')
+ _c_pre.redirect_end()
for t in temp_vars:
spacing = ' '*(len(field.c_length_name)+2)
_h('%sconst %s *S /**< */);', spacing, S_obj.c_type)
_c('%sconst %s *S /**< */)', spacing, S_obj.c_type)
- length = _c_accessor_get_expr(field.type.expr, fields)
_h('%s (const %s *R /**< */);', field.c_length_name, c_type)
_c('%s (const %s *R /**< */)', field.c_length_name, c_type)
- length = _c_accessor_get_expr(field.type.expr, fields)
+ length = _c_accessor_get_expr(field.type.expr, fields)
_c(' return %s;', length)
_c(' %s i;', field.c_iterator_type)
+ _c_pre.start()
+ length_expr_str = _c_accessor_get_expr(field.type.expr, fields)
if switch_obj is not None:
+ _c_pre.end()
_c(' i.data = %s;', fields[field.c_field_name][0])
- _c(' i.rem = %s;', _c_accessor_get_expr(field.type.expr, fields))
+ _c(' i.rem = %s;', length_expr_str)
elif field.prev_varsized_field == None:
+ _c_pre.end()
_c(' i.data = (%s *) (R + 1);', field.c_field_type)
(prev_varsized_field, align_pad) = get_align_pad(field)
_c(' xcb_generic_iterator_t prev = %s;',
_c_iterator_get_end(prev_varsized_field, 'R'))
+ _c_pre.end()
_c(' i.data = (%s *) ((char *) prev.data + %s);',
field.c_field_type, align_pad)
if switch_obj is None:
- _c(' i.rem = %s;', _c_accessor_get_expr(field.type.expr, fields))
+ _c(' i.rem = %s;', length_expr_str)
_c(' i.index = (char *) i.data - (char *) %s;', 'R' if switch_obj is None else 'S' )
_c(' return i;')