self.c_cookie_type = _t(name + ('cookie',))
self.c_reply_fds_name = _n(name + ('reply_fds',))
- self.need_aux = False
- self.need_serialize = False
- self.need_sizeof = False
+ self.c_need_aux = False
+ self.c_need_serialize = False
+ self.c_need_sizeof = False
self.c_aux_name = _n(name + ('aux',))
self.c_aux_checked_name = _n(name + ('aux', 'checked'))
self.c_sizeof_name = _n(name + ('sizeof',))
# special case: structs where variable size fields are followed by fixed size fields
- self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields = False
+ self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields = False
if self.is_switch:
- self.need_serialize = True
+ self.c_need_serialize = True
self.c_container = 'struct'
for bitcase in self.bitcases:
bitcase.c_field_name = _cpp(bitcase.field_name)
if field.type.is_list:
_c_type_setup(field.type.member, field.field_type, ())
if (field.type.nmemb is None):
- self.need_sizeof = True
+ self.c_need_sizeof = True
field.c_field_type = _t(field.field_type)
field.c_field_const_type = ('' if field.type.nmemb == 1 else 'const ') + field.c_field_type
if field.type.is_switch:
field.c_pointer = '*'
field.c_field_const_type = 'const ' + field.c_field_type
- self.need_aux = True
+ self.c_need_aux = True
elif not field.type.fixed_size() and not field.type.is_bitcase:
- self.need_sizeof = True
+ self.c_need_sizeof = True
field.c_iterator_type = _t(field.field_type + ('iterator',)) # xcb_fieldtype_iterator_t
field.c_iterator_name = _n(name + (field.field_name, 'iterator')) # xcb_container_field_iterator
# special case: intermixed fixed and variable size fields
if prev_varsized_field is not None and not field.type.is_pad and field.wire:
if not self.is_union:
- self.need_serialize = True
- self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields = True
+ self.c_need_serialize = True
+ self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields = True
self.last_varsized_field = field
prev_varsized_field = field
prev_varsized_offset = 0
- if self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
+ if self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
if field.type.fixed_size():
field.prev_varsized_field = None
- if self.need_serialize:
+ if self.c_need_serialize:
# when _unserialize() is wanted, create _sizeof() as well for consistency reasons
- self.need_sizeof = True
+ self.c_need_sizeof = True
# as switch does never appear at toplevel,
# continue here with type construction
# _c_iterator(field.type, field_name) necessary
if not self.is_bitcase:
- if self.need_serialize:
+ if self.c_need_serialize:
if self.c_serialize_name not in finished_serializers:
_c_serialize('serialize', self)
# _unpack() and _unserialize() are only needed for special cases:
# switch -> unpack
# special cases -> unserialize
- if self.is_switch or self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
+ if self.is_switch or self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
_c_serialize('unserialize', self)
- if self.need_sizeof:
+ if self.c_need_sizeof:
if self.c_sizeof_name not in finished_sizeof:
if not module.namespace.is_ext or[:2] == module.namespace.prefix:
var_field_name = 'xcb_tmp'
# special case: intermixed fixed and variable size fields
- if self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields and 'unserialize' == context:
+ if self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields and 'unserialize' == context:
value = ' %s = (%s *)xcb_tmp;' % (field.c_field_name, field.c_field_type)
temp_vars.append(' %s *%s;' % (field.type.c_type, field.c_field_name))
# special case: switch
# switch/bitcase: fixed size fields must be considered explicitly
if field.type.fixed_size():
- if self.is_bitcase or self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
+ if self.is_bitcase or self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
if prev_field_was_variable and need_padding:
# insert padding
# count += _c_serialize_helper_insert_padding(context, code_lines, space,
-# self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields)
+# self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields)
prev_field_was_variable = False
# prefix for fixed size fields
# Variable length pad is <pad align= />
code_lines.append('%s xcb_align_to = %d;' % (space, field.type.align))
count += _c_serialize_helper_insert_padding(context, code_lines, space,
- self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields)
+ self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields)
# switch/bitcase: always calculate padding before and after variable sized fields
if need_padding or is_bitcase:
count += _c_serialize_helper_insert_padding(context, code_lines, space,
- self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields)
+ self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields)
value, length = _c_serialize_helper_fields_variable_size(context, self, field,
code_lines, temp_vars,
code_lines.append('%s%s' % (space, value))
if field.type.fixed_size():
- if is_bitcase or self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
+ if is_bitcase or self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
# keep track of (un)serialized object's size
code_lines.append('%s xcb_block_len += %s;' % (space, length))
if context in ('unserialize', 'unpack', 'sizeof'):
if '' != length:
# special case: intermixed fixed and variable size fields
if (not field.type.fixed_size() and
- self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields and 'unserialize' == context):
+ self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields and 'unserialize' == context):
temp_vars.append(' int %s_len;' % field.c_field_name)
code_lines.append('%s %s_len = %s;' % (space, field.c_field_name, length))
code_lines.append('%s xcb_block_len += %s_len;' % (space, field.c_field_name))
code_lines.append('%s xcb_align_to = ALIGNOF(%s);' % (space, 'char' if field.c_field_type == 'void' else field.c_field_type))
need_padding = True
- if self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
+ if self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
need_padding = False
return count
complex_name =
self = complex_type
- if self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields and 'unserialize' == context:
+ if self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields and 'unserialize' == context:
complex_name = 'xcb_out'
complex_name = '_aux'
# all other data types can be evaluated one field a time
# unserialize & fixed size fields: simply cast the buffer to the respective xcb_out type
- if context in ('unserialize', 'unpack', 'sizeof') and not self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
+ if context in ('unserialize', 'unpack', 'sizeof') and not self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
code_lines.append('%s xcb_block_len += sizeof(%s);' % (space, self.c_type))
code_lines.append('%s xcb_tmp += xcb_block_len;' % space)
code_lines.append('%s xcb_buffer_len += xcb_block_len;' % space)
prefix = []
if 'serialize' == context:
- if not self.is_switch and not self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
+ if not self.is_switch and not self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
_c(' %s *xcb_out = *_buffer;', self.c_type)
_c(' unsigned int xcb_out_pad = -sizeof(%s) & 3;', self.c_type)
_c(' unsigned int xcb_buffer_len = sizeof(%s) + xcb_out_pad;', self.c_type)
elif context in ('unserialize', 'unpack'):
_c(' char *xcb_tmp = (char *)_buffer;')
if not self.is_switch:
- if not self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
+ if not self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
_c(' const %s *_aux = (%s *)_buffer;', self.c_type, self.c_type)
prefix = [('_aux', '->', self)]
_c(' return %s(%s, &_aux);', self.c_unpack_name, reduce(lambda x,y: "%s, %s" % (x, y), param_names))
- elif self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
+ elif self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
# special case: call _unserialize()
_c(' return %s(%s, NULL);', self.c_unserialize_name, reduce(lambda x,y: "%s, %s" % (x, y), param_names))
elif 'sizeof' == context:
# neither switch nor intermixed fixed and variable size fields:
# evaluate parameters directly
- if not (self.is_switch or self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields):
+ if not (self.is_switch or self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields):
# look if we have to declare an '_aux' variable at all
if len(list(filter(lambda x: x.find('_aux')!=-1, code_lines)))>0:
- if not self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
+ if not self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
_c(' const %s *_aux = (%s *)_buffer;', self.c_type, self.c_type)
_c(' %s *_aux = malloc(sizeof(%s));', self.c_type, self.c_type)
# serialize: handle variable size fields in a loop
if 'serialize' == context:
- if not self.is_switch and not self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
+ if not self.is_switch and not self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
if len(wire_fields)>0:
_c(' *xcb_out = *_aux;')
# copy variable size fields into the buffer
if variable_size_fields > 0:
# xcb_out padding
- if not self.is_switch and not self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
+ if not self.is_switch and not self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
_c(' xcb_tmp = (char*)++xcb_out;')
_c(' xcb_tmp += xcb_out_pad;')
# FIXME - how to determine the size of a variable size union??
_c(' /* FIXME - determine the size of the union %s */', self.c_type)
- if self.need_sizeof:
+ if self.c_need_sizeof:
_c(' xcb_generic_iterator_t child;')
_c(' = (%s *)(((char *)R) + %s(R));',
self.c_type, self.c_sizeof_name)
if field.wire and not
# We need to set the field up in the structure
- if field.type.need_serialize or field.type.need_sizeof:
+ if field.type.c_need_serialize or field.type.c_need_sizeof:
for field in param_fields:
c_field_const_type = field.c_field_const_type
- if field.type.need_serialize and not aux:
+ if field.type.c_need_serialize and not aux:
c_field_const_type = "const void"
if len(c_field_const_type) > maxtypelen:
maxtypelen = len(c_field_const_type)
for field in param_fields:
c_field_const_type = field.c_field_const_type
- if field.type.need_serialize and not aux:
+ if field.type.c_need_serialize and not aux:
c_field_const_type = "const void"
spacing = ' ' * (maxtypelen - len(c_field_const_type))
_hc(' ** @param %s%s %s%s', c_field_const_type, spacing, field.c_pointer, field.c_field_name)
count = count - 1
c_field_const_type = field.c_field_const_type
c_pointer = field.c_pointer
- if field.type.need_serialize and not aux:
+ if field.type.c_need_serialize and not aux:
c_field_const_type = "const void"
c_pointer = '*'
spacing = ' ' * (maxtypelen - len(c_field_const_type))
spacing, c_pointer, field.c_field_name, comma)
count = 2
- if not self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
+ if not self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
for field in param_fields:
if not field.type.fixed_size():
count = count + 2
- if field.type.need_serialize:
+ if field.type.c_need_serialize:
# _serialize() keeps track of padding automatically
count -= 1
dimension = count + 2
_c(' struct iovec xcb_parts[%d];', dimension)
_c(' %s xcb_ret;', func_cookie)
_c(' %s xcb_out;', self.c_type)
- if self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
+ if self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
_c(' /* in the protocol description, variable size fields are followed by fixed size fields */')
_c(' void *xcb_aux = 0;')
free_calls = []
_c(' ')
- if not self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
+ if not self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
_c(' xcb_parts[2].iov_base = (char *) &xcb_out;')
_c(' xcb_parts[2].iov_len = sizeof(xcb_out);')
_c(' xcb_parts[3].iov_base = 0;')
if not field.type.fixed_size():
_c(' /* %s %s */', field.type.c_type, field.c_field_name)
# default: simple cast to char *
- if not field.type.need_serialize and not field.type.need_sizeof:
+ if not field.type.c_need_serialize and not field.type.c_need_sizeof:
_c(' xcb_parts[%d].iov_base = (char *) %s;', count, field.c_field_name)
if field.type.is_list:
if field.type.member.fixed_size():
_c(' %s (%s);', func_name, serialize_args)
count += 1
- if not (field.type.need_serialize or field.type.need_sizeof):
+ if not (field.type.c_need_serialize or field.type.c_need_sizeof):
# the _serialize() function keeps track of padding automatically
_c(' xcb_parts[%d].iov_base = 0;', count)
_c(' xcb_parts[%d].iov_len = -xcb_parts[%d].iov_len & 3;', count, count-1)
count += 1
- # elif self.var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
+ # elif self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
_c(' xcb_parts[2].iov_base = (char *) &xcb_out;')
# request header: opcodes + length
# three cases: 1. field with special case
# 2. container that contains special case field
# 3. list with special case elements
- if field.type.var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
+ if field.type.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
elif field.type.is_container:
unserialize_fields += look_for_special_cases(field.type)
elif field.type.is_list:
- if field.type.member.var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
+ if field.type.member.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
if field.type.member.is_container:
unserialize_fields += look_for_special_cases(field.type.member)
c_pointer = field.c_pointer
if c_pointer == ' ':
c_pointer = ''
- if field.type.need_serialize and not aux:
+ if field.type.c_need_serialize and not aux:
c_field_const_type = "const void"
c_pointer = '*'
comma = ', ' if count else ');'
has_fds = _c_reply_has_fds(self.reply)
_c_request_helper(self, name, self.c_cookie_type, False, True, False, has_fds)
_c_request_helper(self, name, self.c_cookie_type, False, False, False, has_fds)
- if self.need_aux:
+ if self.c_need_aux:
_c_request_helper(self, name, self.c_cookie_type, False, True, True, has_fds)
_c_request_helper(self, name, self.c_cookie_type, False, False, True, has_fds)
# Reply accessors
# Request prototypes
_c_request_helper(self, name, 'xcb_void_cookie_t', True, False)
_c_request_helper(self, name, 'xcb_void_cookie_t', True, True)
- if self.need_aux:
+ if self.c_need_aux:
_c_request_helper(self, name, 'xcb_void_cookie_t', True, False, True)
_c_request_helper(self, name, 'xcb_void_cookie_t', True, True, True)