return unresolved
# resolve_expr_fields()
+def resolve_expr_fields_list(self, parents):
+ """
+ Find expr fields appearing in a list and descendents
+ that cannot be resolved within the parents of the list.
+ These are normally fields that need to be given as function parameters
+ for length and iterator functions.
+ """
+ all_fields = []
+ expr_fields = get_expr_fields(self)
+ unresolved = []
+ for complex_obj in parents:
+ for field in complex_obj.fields:
+ if field.wire:
+ all_fields.append(field)
+ # try to resolve expr fields
+ for e in expr_fields:
+ if e not in all_fields and e not in unresolved:
+ unresolved.append(e)
+ return unresolved
+# resolve_expr_fields_list()
def get_serialize_params(context, self, buffer_var='_buffer', aux_var='_aux'):
functions like _serialize(), _unserialize(), and _unpack() sometimes need additional parameters:
return length
# _c_serialize_helper_switch_field()
+def _c_get_additional_type_params(type):
+ """
+ compute list of additional params for functions created for the given type
+ """
+ if type.is_simple:
+ return []
+ else:
+ param_fields, wire_fields, params = get_serialize_params('sizeof', type)
+ return params[1:]
def _c_serialize_helper_list_field(context, self, field,
code_lines, temp_vars,
space, prefix):
# list with variable-sized elements
if not field.type.member.fixed_size():
+ # compute string for argumentlist for member-type functions
+ member_params = _c_get_additional_type_params(field.type.member)
+ member_arg_names = [p[2] for p in member_params]
+ member_arg_str = ''
+ for member_arg_name in member_arg_names:
+ member_arg_str += ', ' + field_mapping[member_arg_name][0]
+ #
length = ''
if context in ('unserialize', 'sizeof', 'unpack'):
int_i = ' unsigned int i;'
# loop over all list elements and call sizeof repeatedly
# this should be a bit faster than using the iterators
code_lines.append("%s for(i=0; i<%s; i++) {" % (space, list_length))
- code_lines.append("%s xcb_tmp_len = %s(xcb_tmp);" %
- (space, field.type.c_sizeof_name))
+ code_lines.append("%s xcb_tmp_len = %s(xcb_tmp%s);" %
+ (space, field.type.c_sizeof_name, member_arg_str))
code_lines.append("%s xcb_block_len += xcb_tmp_len;" % space)
code_lines.append("%s xcb_tmp += xcb_tmp_len;" % space)
code_lines.append("%s }" % space)
code_lines.append('%s xcb_parts[xcb_parts_idx].iov_len = 0;' % space)
code_lines.append('%s xcb_tmp = (char *) %s%s;' % (space, prefix_str, field.c_field_name))
code_lines.append('%s for(i=0; i<%s; i++) { ' % (space, list_length))
- code_lines.append('%s xcb_block_len = %s(xcb_tmp);' % (space, field.type.c_sizeof_name))
+ code_lines.append('%s xcb_block_len = %s(xcb_tmp%s);' % (space, field.type.c_sizeof_name, member_arg_str))
code_lines.append('%s xcb_parts[xcb_parts_idx].iov_len += xcb_block_len;' % space)
code_lines.append('%s }' % space)
code_lines.append('%s xcb_block_len = xcb_parts[xcb_parts_idx].iov_len;' % space)
_h(' %s *data; /**< */', self.c_type)
_h(' int%s rem; /**< */', ' ' * (len(self.c_type) - 2))
_h(' int%s index; /**< */', ' ' * (len(self.c_type) - 2))
+ # add additional params of the type "self" as fields to the iterator struct
+ # so that they can be passed to the sizeof-function by the iterator's next-function
+ params = _c_get_additional_type_params(self)
+ for param in params:
+ _h(' %s%s %s; /**< */',
+ param[0],
+ ' ' * (len(self.c_type) + 1 - len(param[0])),
+ param[2])
_h('} %s;', self.c_iterator_type)
_c(' /* FIXME - determine the size of the union %s */', self.c_type)
if self.c_need_sizeof:
+ # compute the string of additional arguments for the sizeof-function
+ additional_args = ''
+ for param in params:
+ additional_args += ', i->' + param[2]
_c(' xcb_generic_iterator_t child;')
- _c(' = (%s *)(((char *)R) + %s(R));',
- self.c_type, self.c_sizeof_name)
+ _c(' = (%s *)(((char *)R) + %s(R%s));',
+ self.c_type, self.c_sizeof_name, additional_args)
_c(' i->index = (char *) - (char *) i->data;')
_c(' xcb_generic_iterator_t child = %s;', _c_iterator_get_end(self.last_varsized_field, 'R'))
# auxiliary object for 'S' parameter
S_obj = parents[1]
+ # for functions generated below:
+ # * compute list of additional parameters which contains as parameter
+ # any expr fields that cannot be resolved within self and descendants.
+ # * and make sure that they are accessed without prefix within the function.
+ unresolved_fields = resolve_expr_fields_list(list, parents)
+ additional_params = []
+ additional_param_names = set();
+ for f in unresolved_fields:
+ if f.c_field_name not in additional_param_names:
+ # add to the list of additional params
+ additional_params.append((f.c_field_type, f.c_field_name));
+ # make sure that the param is accessed without prefix within the function
+ fields[ f.c_field_name ] = (f.c_field_name, f)
+ # internal function to compute the parameterlist with given indentation
+ # such that the formatting of the additional parameters is consistent with
+ # the other parameters.
+ def additional_params_to_str(indent):
+ if len(additional_params) == 0:
+ return ''
+ else:
+ return (',\n' + indent).join([''] + ['%s %s /**< */' % p for p in additional_params])
if list.member.fixed_size():
+ spacing = ' '*(len(field.c_length_name)+2)
+ add_param_str = additional_params_to_str(spacing)
if switch_obj is not None:
_hc('%s (const %s *R /**< */,', field.c_length_name, R_obj.c_type)
- spacing = ' '*(len(field.c_length_name)+2)
- _h('%sconst %s *S /**< */);', spacing, S_obj.c_type)
- _c('%sconst %s *S /**< */)', spacing, S_obj.c_type)
+ _h('%sconst %s *S /**< */%s);', spacing, S_obj.c_type, add_param_str)
+ _c('%sconst %s *S /**< */%s)', spacing, S_obj.c_type, add_param_str)
- _h('%s (const %s *R /**< */);', field.c_length_name, c_type)
- _c('%s (const %s *R /**< */)', field.c_length_name, c_type)
+ _h('%s (const %s *R /**< */%s);', field.c_length_name, c_type, add_param_str)
+ _c('%s (const %s *R /**< */%s)', field.c_length_name, c_type, add_param_str)
length = _c_accessor_get_expr(field.type.expr, fields)
_c(' return %s;', length)
if field.type.member.is_simple:
+ spacing = ' '*(len(field.c_end_name)+2)
+ add_param_str = additional_params_to_str(spacing)
if switch_obj is not None:
_hc('%s (const %s *R /**< */,', field.c_end_name, R_obj.c_type)
- spacing = ' '*(len(field.c_end_name)+2)
- _h('%sconst %s *S /**< */);', spacing, S_obj.c_type)
- _c('%sconst %s *S /**< */)', spacing, S_obj.c_type)
+ _h('%sconst %s *S /**< */%s);', spacing, S_obj.c_type, add_param_str)
+ _c('%sconst %s *S /**< */%s)', spacing, S_obj.c_type, add_param_str)
- _h('%s (const %s *R /**< */);', field.c_end_name, c_type)
- _c('%s (const %s *R /**< */)', field.c_end_name, c_type)
+ _h('%s (const %s *R /**< */%s);', field.c_end_name, c_type, add_param_str)
+ _c('%s (const %s *R /**< */%s)', field.c_end_name, c_type, add_param_str)
_c(' xcb_generic_iterator_t i;')
_hc('%s', field.c_iterator_type)
+ spacing = ' '*(len(field.c_iterator_name)+2)
+ add_param_str = additional_params_to_str(spacing)
if switch_obj is not None:
_hc('%s (const %s *R /**< */,', field.c_iterator_name, R_obj.c_type)
- spacing = ' '*(len(field.c_iterator_name)+2)
- _h('%sconst %s *S /**< */);', spacing, S_obj.c_type)
- _c('%sconst %s *S /**< */)', spacing, S_obj.c_type)
+ _h('%sconst %s *S /**< */%s);', spacing, S_obj.c_type, add_param_str)
+ _c('%sconst %s *S /**< */%s)', spacing, S_obj.c_type, add_param_str)
- _h('%s (const %s *R /**< */);', field.c_iterator_name, c_type)
- _c('%s (const %s *R /**< */)', field.c_iterator_name, c_type)
+ _h('%s (const %s *R /**< */%s);', field.c_iterator_name, c_type, add_param_str)
+ _c('%s (const %s *R /**< */%s)', field.c_iterator_name, c_type, add_param_str)
_c(' %s i;', field.c_iterator_type)
if switch_obj is None:
_c(' i.rem = %s;', length_expr_str)
_c(' i.index = (char *) - (char *) %s;', 'R' if switch_obj is None else 'S' )
+ # initialize additional iterator fields which are derived from
+ # additional type parameters for the list member type.
+ additional_iter_fields = _c_get_additional_type_params(field.type.member)
+ for iter_field in additional_iter_fields:
+ _c(' i.%s = %s;', iter_field[2], fields[iter_field[2]][0])
_c(' return i;')