Print backtraces in case an assert fails inside xlib/xcb.
As you know there are some nasty libs / apps doing locking
incorrectly. In order to improve the information given to the user
when he encounters such a situation (people don't run apps in gdb
normally) I created the patch attached.
It's very non-intrusive (and affects only xlib/xcb, Josh told me on
irc that it could be useful for other areas too, personally I don't
think that it's really needed at other places ...).
Some same outputs and the discussion of them:
lxuser@pdln:/tmp$ ./main
Got a backtrace:
#0 /tmp/usr/lib/ [0xb7f9d728]
#1 /tmp/usr/lib/ [0xb7f9d861]
#2 ./ [0xb7f9f3fd]
#3 ./ [0xb7f9f410]
#4 ./main [0x80484a7]
#5 /lib/ [0xb7e60ebc]
#6 ./main [0x80483f1]
main: xcb_xlib.c:82: xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion `c->xlib.lock' failed.
That's kinda the normal situation.
lxuser@pdln:/tmp$ ./main
Got a backtrace:
#0 /tmp/usr/lib/ [0xb7f90728]
#1 /tmp/usr/lib/ [0xb7f90861]
#2 /tmp/ [0xb7f923cd]
#3 /tmp/ [0xb7f923e0]
#4 ./main [0x80484ab]
#5 /lib/ [0xb7e53ebc]
#6 ./main [0x80483f1]
main: xcb_xlib.c:82: xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion `c->xlib.lock' failed.
There are two possible reasons that the name doesn't appear in #2:
a) a hidden symbol or a symbol with statical linkage in a library
b) a symbol in an app not compiled with -rdynamic.
But in both cases you still know _where_ the caller is.
Note that in this example was compiled with
-fomit-frame-pointer; this isn't an issue as _one_ (= the caller)
stack trace is still valid (as long as you don't have the insane idea
to compile xcb with -fo-f-p).
Another issue that may appear is "tail call elimination" (some entries
are mysteriously missing; this is quite ugly, but you still get enough
information so that you can do something useful with the issue e.g. by
disassembling the relevant parts with gdb).
Signed-off-by: Jamey Sharp <>