XML-XCB Description =========== XML-XCB generates C bindings to the X Window System protocol based on XML descriptions of the protocol. It is designed for use with XCB, the X C binding . XML-XCB consists of: xcb.xsd An XML Schema defining the data format for describing the X protocol. Included in xcb-proto. c-client.xsl An XSLT code generator that transforms the protocol descriptions into C bindings. Included in xcb. *.xml XML descriptions of the core X protocol and many extensions. Included in xcb-proto. Dependencies ============ c-client.xsl requires an XSLT processor that supports XSLT 1.0 and the EXSLT node-set extension . The XCB build system currently uses xsltproc. You can get xsltproc through your distribution's packaging system, or from . Generating C bindings ===================== The C bindings for the core protocol and all the currently supported extensions are built as part of the xcb build system. However, for the purposes of creating and debugging new protocol descriptions, it can be useful to generate the bindings directly by invoking c-client.xsl to the XML protocol description. You must provide several parameters to c-client.xsl: mode: header or source; specifies which part of the C bindings to generate. base-path: path to the core X protocol descriptions. extension-path: path to the extension descriptions. For example, using xsltproc, you can generate the header for a protocol description "protocol.xml" with the command: xsltproc --stringparam base-path /path/to/xcb-proto/src \ --stringparam extension-path /path/to/xcb-proto/src/extensions \ --stringparam mode header /path/to/xcb/src/c-client.xsl protocol.xml Protocol Description Format =========================== Root element ------------ top-level elements This is the root element of a protocol description. The attributes are all various forms of the extension name. header is the basename of the XML protocol description file, which will be used as the basename for generated bindings as well. extension-name is the name of the extension in InterCaps, which will be used in the names of functions. extension-xname is the name of the extension as passed to QueryExtension. As an example, the XML-XCB description for the GO-FASTER extension would use the root element ; as a result, C bindings will be put in gofaster.h and gofaster.c, extension functions will be named XCBGoFasterFunctionName, and the extension initialization will call QueryExtension with the name "GO-FASTER". This element can contain any number of the elements listed in the section "Top-Level Elements" below. Top-Level Elements ------------------ header_name The import element allows the protocol description to reference types declared in another extension. The content is be the basename of the extension XML file, which is also the header attribute of the extension's root node. Note that types from xcb_types and xproto are automatically available, without explicitly importing them. structure contents This element represents a data structure. The name attribute gives the name of the structure. The content represents the fields of the structure, and consists of one or more of the field, pad, and list elements described in the section "Structure Contents" below. structure contents This element represents a union of data types, which can hold one value of any of those types. The name attribute gives the name of the union. The content represents the fields of the union, and consists of one or more of the field and pad elements described in the section "Structure Contents below". This element represents an identifier for a particular type of resource. The name attribute gives the name of the new type. [optional expression] ... The enum element represents an enumeration type, which can take on any of the values given by the contained item elements. The name attribute on the enum gives the name of the enumerated type. The item element represents one possible value of an enumerated type. The name attribute on the item gives the name of that value, and the optional content is an expression giving the numeric value. If the expression is omitted, the value will be one more than that of the previous item, or 0 for the first item. The typedef element declares the type given by the newname attribute to be an alias for the type given by the oldname attribute. structure contents [structure contents] The request element represents an X protocol request. The name attribute gives the name of the request, and the opcode attribute gives the numeric request code. The content of the request element represents the fields in the request, and consists of one or more of any of the elements listed in the "Structure Contents" section below. Note that for requests in the core protocol, the first field in the request goes into the one-byte gap between the major opcode and the length; if the request does not have any data in that gap, put a one byte pad as the first element. Extension requests always have this gap filled with the minor opcode. The optional reply element is present if the request has a reply. The content of the reply element represents the fields in the reply, and consists of zero or more of the field, pad, and list elements listed in the "Structure Contents" section below. Note that the first field in the reply always goes into the one-byte gap between the response type and the sequence number; if the reply does not have any data in that gap, put a one byte pad as the first element. If the optional combine-adjacent attribute is true, multiple adjacent requests of the same type may be combined into a single request without affecting the semantics of the requests. structure contents This element represents an X protocol event. The name attribute gives the name of the event, and the number attribute gives the event number. The content of the event element represents the fields in the event, and consists of zero or more of the field, pad, and list elements listed in the "Structure Contents" section below. If the optional no-sequence-number attribute is true, the event does not include a sequence number. This is a special-case for the KeymapNotify event in the core protocol, and should not be used in any other event. structure contents This element represents an X protocol error. The name attribute gives the name of the error, and the number attribute gives the error number. The content of the error element represents the fields in the error, and consists of zero or more of the field, pad, and list elements listed in the "Structure Contents" section below. This element creates an alias for the event named in the ref attribute, with the new name given in the name attribute, and the new event number given in the number attribute. This element creates an alias for the error named in the ref attribute, with the new name given in the name attribute, and the new error number given in the number attribute. Structure Contents ------------------ Note: "type" attributes below refer to types defined by previous elements, either in the current extension, xproto, xcb_types, or one of the imported extensions. The type name must refer to only one possible type; if more than one type matches, an error occurs. To avoid this, the type may be explicitly prefixed with a namespace, which should be the value of the header attribute on the protocol description containing the desired type. The namespace and type are separated by a single colon. For example, to refer to the PIXMAP type defined in glx rather than the one defined in xcb_types, use type="glx:PIXMAP" rather than type="PIXMAP". This element declares some padding in a data structure. The bytes attribute declares the number of bytes of padding. This element represents a field in a data structure. The type attribute declares the data type of the field, and the name attribute gives the name of the field. expression This element represents an array or list of fields in a data structure. The type attribute declares the data type of the field, and the name attribute gives the name of the field. The content is an expression giving the length of the list in terms of other fields in the structure. See the section "Expressions" for details on the expression representation. This element represents a parameter in a request that is not sent over the wire. The field can be referenced in the length expressions of lists or in an exprfield. The type attribute declares the data type of the field, and the name attribute gives the name of the field. expression This element represents a field in a request that is calculated rather than supplied by the caller. The type attribute declares the data type of the field, and the name attribute gives the name of the field. The content is the expression giving the value of the field. See the section "Expressions" for details on the expression representation. This element represents a BITMASK/LISTofVALUE parameter pair: a bitmask defining the set of values included, and a list containing these values. value-mask-type gives the type of the bitmask; this must be CARD16 or CARD32. value-mask-name gives the field name of the bitmask, and value-list-name gives the field name of the list of values. Expressions ----------- Expressions consist of a tree of elements with leaves consisting of or elements. expression expression The op element represents an operator, with the op attribute specifying which operator. The supported operations are *, /, &, and <<, and their semantics are identical to the corresponding operators in C. The two operand expressions may be fieldref, value, or op elements. identifier The fieldref element represents a reference to the value of another field in the structure containing this expression. The identifier is the value of the "name" attribute on the referenced field. integer The value element represents a literal integer value in an expression. The integer may be expressed in decimal or hexadecimal.